It is no secret that the current economic environment is totally uncertain; constant lay-offs, rising unemployment, price hikes, ...The list will probably never end.
But does it mean that you should stop furnishing your dream home? NO; you don't have to. Why don't you consider a Lay-by?
What is a Lay-by? It is an agreement between a seller and a buyer. It is a way of paying for goods over a period of time. Usually in 3 or more payments.
You've seen something you like but you don't have enough money in your bank account. Put down a deposit and Lay-by it!
Is it the same as paying on credit? No and for various reasons:
It is cheaper; 0% interest is charged on a Lay-by
No monthly instalments debited off your account; you control your payments
You can cancel the agreement at any time
In which case, you can request that your deposits be refunded to you
Sounds too good to be true right? It does....So what's the catch?
Well, the beauty part is that there is no catch. A Lay-by is definitely the cheapest and the safest way to buy goods when you can't afford to pay the full price.
No more paying twice the price because of interest rates
No more stressing when going through a bad patch, simply get your money back
No more going through the shame of repossession; the goods are only handed over to you when fully paid
Be Savvy, Be mart, and Lay-by it!